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  1. X

    Initiative/pickpocket detection problem

    Wow, thank you so much for actually making a build (basically) just for me! Unfortunately... No luck. It does make the requested page sequences effectively identical, but still has the initiative problem. Next, I ascended... Still happening. On the bright side, I chose a non-mox class (TT)...
  2. X

    Initiative/pickpocket detection problem

    Oh, one more point, which may or may not have any relevance to my issue... I realized that I first saw this problem shortly after I freed Ralph for this run (HCNP DB), and I haven't ascended yet since doing so. I plan to ascend today or tomorrow, so I'll post again with whether or not the...
  3. X

    Initiative/pickpocket detection problem

    First, thanks for taking a look at this, Jason. I checked my autoattack settings and had it set to none... Just as a sanity-check, I set it to cleesh, ran one encounter manually to make sure it worked, then set it back to none. Still the same behavior. However, I ran debug sessions for a...
  4. X

    Initiative/pickpocket detection problem

    jasonharper : Let's see a debug log of an automated combat that was incorrectly indicated as having lost initiative. Okay, I've attached the debug log (just logged in, single combat, logged out) to this message... Running +115% init, against a senile lihc with no ML modifiers. Incidentally...
  5. X

    Initiative/pickpocket detection problem

    Until the last day or two, I've had no major problems with Mafia. Suddenly, autoadventuring always says that I lose initiative (and thus, won't let me pickpocket as a DB). At +115%, I get initiative every time via relay, but never via autoadventuring. I set "show all requests" in the...
  6. X

    Memory leaks?

    Catch-22 : Try manually specifying a heapsize at runtime using the -Xmx switch. It still leaks, and eventually fills 128MB as well (in fact, it doesn't seem to take that much longer - Like whatever causes it gets more and more aggressive once the leaking starts). Incidentally, for me, it seems...