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  1. S

    Feature Stop familiar trainer automatically swapping to inferior equipment

    Thank you to whoever fixed the recent bug in the familiar trainer! Being able to use it again is really great. But it still has this weird behavior where it will precisely tune your familiar's weight to get the most xp from fights, while taking off all of the gear that gives +xp. This...
  2. S

    Why is my mafia saucegeysering?

    What is a battle action and how do I set it? This is the output in the CLI: CCS set to farm (but battle action is currently set to skill saucegeyser)
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    Bug - Waiting for Info Procrastinator Language Proficiency

    Mafia increases my procrastinator language proficiency (procrastinatorLanguageFluency) when I hit the moonlith noncombat, but it doesn't reset it when I get the locker key. Also doesn't check to see what the language proficiency is after increase from the moonlith nc. So it just keeps...
  4. S

    Refreshing Hagnk's

    I'm in aftercore and mafia doesn't seem to update what's in storage. If I open up the item manager, and navigate to the General->Storage tab and hit refresh the newly generated items will appear. Is there a way to perform this refresh inside a script? Edit: Realized this should have been...
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    Setting the Battle Action

    How can I set the battle action? (Labeled "Action" in the "Adventure" tab in the subtab "Custom Combat.") I know "aa" will set the combat macro for KoL proper. I know "ccs" will select the custom combat script in Mafia. When I use "ccs" I get the message "(but battle action is currently set...
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    Daily Special

    Is there a way to access what the daily special is inside an ash script?
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    Getting Familiar Weight

    I'm trying to add a line to use my boots runaways. The following almost works. ashq while (get_property("_banderRunaways").to_int()<((familiar_weight($familiar[Pair of Stomping Boots])+weight_adjustment())/5)) {adv1($location[The Toxic Teacups],-1,"");} Unfortunately it stops two runaways...
  8. S

    Using Witchess Fights

    Hi, I am trying to adapt the code for getting the bag of park garbage to getting the ox shield. The bag of park garbage works like this: ashq visit_url("place.php?whichplace=airport_stench&action=airport3_tunnels"); ashq visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=1067&option=6"); When I look at the...
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    Using Free Fights

    Is there a way to make mafia use free fights that doesn't burn a turn? Like the 10 adventures in the snojo and the 5 adventures in the machine tunnels, etc. I know "adv 1 snojo" will use the 10 free fights and 1 paid one. Is there something like "adv 0 snojo"? Thanks!
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    Bug - Fixed Unsupported choice on demon summoning

    Hi, Whenever I try to summon Preternatural Greed mafia gives me an unsupported choice error (though it does give me preternatural greed). When I click to continue in the relay browser I just go to the main page. I don't know if something changed in KoL. I've had this error at least with...
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    Bug - Fixed Recognizing bag o' tricks

    I just upgraded from 16184 to 16349. In the latest version mafia won't recognize the cli command "use bag o tricks". It also doesn't recognize "use bag o' tricks".
  12. S

    Feature - Rejected Xiblaxian Counter

    Hi mafia coders, Are there any plans to put a Xiblaxian countdown timer into the relay browser? I notice that mafia can predict when the next drop is, but typing "get _holoWristProgress" is a bit tedious. It's a bit weird that the counter only goes down on combats, which I can't think of...
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    Bug - Fixed Sneaky Pete's Popped Jacket

    I have a Sneaky Pete's leather jacket (collar popped) in my inventory in HCNP. Mafia keeps trying to equip it when I run the modifier maximizer: Putting on Sneaky Pete's leather jacket (collar popped)... That item may not be equipped while you are in Hardcore mode. Unable to meet all...
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    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Charpane Refresh and gnomish drinks

    Buying green beer at the microbrewery doesn't refresh mafia's character pane.
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    Feature - Rejected Maximizing Outfit Letters for PvP

    Could we get a new option in the modifier maximizer that maximizes that day's letters for PvP? Today the contest is to see who can wear gear with the most letter Ks in it. It would be nice to have a one-click option for that. Danke. Edit: That may not have been clear. I was hoping mafia...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Modifier Maximizer for PvP fights and familiar equipment

    I'm on daily build 11642. When I type "maximize pvp fights" with my hatrack out it puts on the outrageous sombrero instead of the depleted grimacite ninja mask. When I type it with my scarecrow out it equips travoltan trousers instead of cane-mail pants. Similar problem when typing "maximize...
  17. S

    Feature - Implemented Tracking number of bear hugs applied

    It would be super cool if mafia would track the number of bear hugs applied each day in a zombie run. (Bear hug does something special for the first 10 uses and something much less special after that.)
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    Bug - Not A Bug Tea Party choice continually reappears in the CLI.

    At the start of the day I have my .spt script visit the teaparty: ash visit_url("rabbithole.php?action=teaparty"); ash visit_url("choice.php?pwd&whichchoice=441&option=1&choiceform2=Try+to+get+a+seat"); But then, throughout the day The Mad Tea Party graphics, text, and choice buttons keeps...
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    Feature Increased Familiar Counter Handling

    It would be awesome if mafia could keep track of the charges in the bajillion familiars I need to track charges on in a speed run. Right now I'm really wishing I had a way to track charges on the Gluttonous Green Ghost, the Spirit Hobo, and the Fairy Stomping Boots. That means food consumed...