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  1. K

    Bug - Fixed Unexpected error/debug log with Maximizer

    Trying to run maximizer on recent kolmafia version. and it fails and prints following when invoked from cli: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KoLmafia r27059, Linux, Java 17.0.5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=...
  2. K

    Bug - Fixed certificate

    Hi, More a website bug then an actual bug, sorry if the wrong forum. Just went to (the old name for the jenkins instance) and got a certificate warning from my browser. It seems the latest cert renewal doesn't cover it anymore? I could look at updating my bookmarks, but...
  3. K

    Bug Relay browser not loading correctly on updated system

    Hello, Unsure if it a real bug, but don't know where to ask. but have recently upgraded to Fedora Core 35/Firefox 95, and the relay browser is showing weird behavior. I hit the button or type "relay" and can see the OS trying to launch a Firefox process to open game.php as normal, but the page...
  4. K

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    Still early days into the new path, and the mafia support seems excellent as usual, but was wondering if there's a chance of an enhancement. As I'm ending up with access to familiars I don't know or normally use, it would be a great help if clicking on the current of next familiars in the...
  5. K

    Feature - Implemented Allow Massive Zigguraut auto choice dropdown to exit

    Hi, Not a advanced scripter, but do take advantage of the dropdown defaults provided for different zones. For the Massive Ziggurat, the only choices available are show in browser, or fight protector spirit. Could "Leave" be added as a choice to the list? My usual pattern is to equip a...