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  1. L

    ManageStore and CFStat - Weed out your store

    Looking forward to the update! I've got WAY too much stuff stagnating in my inventory. I need to clean house!
  2. L

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Pardon me if it's been covered before, but I've hit a couple aborts. Currently on the lvl 9 quest. When I run 0.13 it had an issue with the 2nd floor of the manor being unavailable. I unlocked it manually and ran the script from there only to have it abort on the untinkerer sidequest even though...
  3. L

    Veracity's MMG scripts

    Holy cow! I started out with a little over 30 million meat in my closet. By the time I had to stop to get ready for work a few hours later, I had made a little over 220 Million! :)
  4. L

    Using Mafia on Two Different Computers

    It's the latter. You have to pile everything into one folder. It's not a terribly big deal if Mafia is all you want to sync. Just drop it in the folder and make a few symlinks to make navigation a little easier. Forgetting my USB drive... or not having the correct one, that's always been my...
  5. L

    Way to get mall prices for all your inventory?

    Nice! Can you please advise me on how to get the quantities of PriceAdvisor Recommendation column to match the item_amount? I have 50 bottles of rum, the advice is still "mallsell 1 bottle of rum".