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  1. R

    fold scratch 'n' sniff weapons

    I was playing around today and wanted to modify a script, but I just can't find the command to fold a scratch 'n' sniff sword into a scratch 'n' sniff crossbow and vice versa. I thought it would be a simple: fold scratch 'n' sniff x Any ideas on what the command is?
  2. R

    Bug - Fixed Spaghetti Breakfast

    I just learned Spaghetti Breakfast. For some reason when mafia needs to burn mana because I've gained too much it seems to think Spaghetti Breakfast can be cast more than once a day. All I see in the logs is: Casting Spaghetti Breakfast 1 times... That skill is currently unavailable. Any idea...
  3. R

    New Content - Implemented cursed microwave, cursed pony keg

    Can these be added to the breakfast summons please?