Unofficial build which includes updates prevented by current sourceforge brokenness


Active member
Unofficial build which includes updates prevented by sourceforge brokenness

This includes the diff file that veracity posted at:
And the one lost posted at:
And the one lost posted at:

EDIT 2015.07.24 - New link with more fixes

see post #6 of this thread. Thanks veracity & frono !

EDIT 2015.07.23 - New link with more fixes!sRVFzTCa!xLs7qVwfPuJ8SMqT6FNgEfaLUdq5n0Clzs-1IrUQkSs

Last edited:
In case you are interested, here is my cumulative .diff, which includes what I posted before, lost's most recent regexp update, and a couple of other bug fixes (all of which affect me personally :)) - support for variable-priced conditional items in the Swagger Shop, and a fix to out-of-Ronin pulling to make it actually obey the quantity that you tell it to pull; since I intentionally keep almost everything in Storage for PVP purposes, it annoys me (!) when I tell KoLmafia to pull 1 of something so I can consume or craft it, and KoLmafia decides to pull all of the item, requiring me to closet the remainder.

Here is the commit note, for when sourceforge finally restores our repository; according to their previous posted timetable, they've done everything that they intended to do before working on SVN, so it should be Any Day Now. Maybe. Obviously, if someone submits some of this before I can, I'll trim the note...

Add new foods resulting from the Pastapocalypse. Change size, quality, and
level requirement of some existing foods. Change checkitems to check quality
and size of consumables, rather than just level requirement. When we generate
the consumables line while registering a new consumable, the note is "Unspaded"
Add a status effect and fix effect granted by antique bottle of cough syrup.
Add four (obsolete) monsters that have returned from the dead via the DoEC.
Fix 11 monster ids, as reported by Manuel, thanks to ckb.
Unidentified items in storage cannot be discovered via api.php
When you tell KoLmafia to pull N of an item, pull exactly N, not all of it.
Look for "Desert exploration" to decide if you've successfully explored, rather
than assuming every fight in the desert counts; clingy follow-on fights don't.
lost's regexp changes so that native inline item descriptions no longer screw up
our idea of equipment
Handle variable priced conditional Swagger Shop items

