Recent content by Sarius Skelrets

  1. S

    Is there a way to turn some text colors into another color?

    I use dark mode for KolMafia and the dark blue/purple text becomes very hard to read when placed over a dark background Is there a way for me to swap these colors with other ones?
  2. S

    It is possible to automatically open the chat when login with KolMafia?

    My chat wasn't opened so I didn't received the message about not trying to kill that boss. Needing to open the chat while in clan dungeon is also a written rule of my clan Placing it here just start another page with the chat open. It does not open it in the mainscreen
  3. S

    It is possible to automatically open the chat when login with KolMafia?

    As the title says, I'm looking for a way to automatically open the ingame chat when login in I forgot to open it once and got in trouble with my clan for that. I don't want that to happen again so can you tell me if it's possible to auto-open the chat when starting the game?