Recent content by phreddrickk

  1. P

    Bug - Fixed familiar[].experience readout capped at 400 for your active familiar

    This has changed, and is now resolved. I hope it doesn't have weird downstream problems for mafia!
  2. P

    Bug - Fixed familiar[].experience readout capped at 400 for your active familiar

    api.php is at fault for this; you can check it with a quick /goto. I filed an in-game bug report about it, because while I'm sure it was deliberate at some point, between the chest mimic and pocket prof it's a real thorn in my side now. If you're able to personally lobby CDM to update this...
  3. P

    Bug _speakeasyFreeFights not incremented

    Unfortunately, this will be incorrect behavior for backups, CLEESHes, and possibly stuff like professor fights.
  4. P

    Bug Using a map to a candy-rich block and then adding the rest to the mall doesn't actually work

    Mafia also seems to not handle the redirect to the trick-or-treating NC here, I assume that's related to the inventory desync.
  5. P

    Bug Turtle Taming encounters don't increment _gingerbreadCityCombats (but should)

    I assume this is also a bug with June Cleaver NCs--someone should double check this--but I know it's an issue for turtles. I originally filed a KoL bug report, because that feels like it's unintended behavior, but CDM has canonized it as intended, and so now it's a mafia bug report. EDIT: It...
  6. P

    Feature - Implemented Book of Facts: Monster Items/Effects/Etc

    Sent debug html via other means
  7. P

    Feature - Implemented Book of Facts: Monster Items/Effects/Etc

    I just had a sort of funny bug. I backed up a Knob Goblin Embezzler against a Bigface as a Pastamancer in aftercore, and at the end of combat: Embezzler is, as you can see, not a pocket wish monster. But bigface is! So backup is messing this up a little, it seems. It's worth mentioning that...
  8. P

    Feature - Implemented Book of Facts: Monster Items/Effects/Etc

    I'm 80% sure there isn't a thread for this. Which is fine! The item is 90% implemented. But there is a missing 10%. When you have the Book of Facts (or, more accurately, the skill "Just the Facts"), fighting monsters gives various things: some monsters drop items, others give effects, and so...
  9. P

    Bug - Fixed Javascript toJson leaves object keys in underscore_format rather than camelCase

    and Interesting that the keys are in a different order, but looks more or less correct
  10. P

    Bug - Fixed Javascript toJson leaves object keys in underscore_format rather than camelCase

    Garbo (and one or two other scripts I maintain that have used toJson) doesn't actually care about this change, because we're never translating mafia constants to json, but rather relying on it to make objects that contain mafia constants legible: In general, I agree that this is somewhat...
  11. P

    Feature Functions as first-class objects in ASH

    I don't actually have an intended use case here, admittedly, it was just an open question I had upon reading your post. It was mostly motivated by the fact that ash (to my knowledge) lacks union types and generic types, and so I think you'd need an overload to specify a single function that can...
  12. P

    Feature Functions as first-class objects in ASH

    There are a few ash functions that currently accept strings that are the names of functions. There is special handling to let js pass functions as those arguments instead; e.g., in adv1, js users can input a combat filter function as an actual function. e.g., I can do function handleCombat(page...
  13. P

    Bug 1952 Mickey mantle pick in Deck of Every Card crash

    Just hit this as well. Can confirm that it looks like the same core issue as the Mickey Mantle card
  14. P

    Bug 1952 Mickey mantle pick in Deck of Every Card crash

    Going into my session log, I see this before the crash: That final line wasn't visible in the CLI during the crash, but does appear to have been written to the log. I had to close mafia via the task manager, but doing so doesn't appear to have wiped or negatively impacted my preferences...
  15. P

    Bug 1952 Mickey mantle pick in Deck of Every Card crash

    I encountered this today and wrote it off as just a cosmic ray/random event, but given that Butts encountered it twice in the same place, it's a little odd. The code that triggered it just calls the cheat CLI command, which I don't see any recent changes to. This Could be a game bug, but the...