Recent content by Kris Moonhand

  1. K

    Best Between Battle Script Ever -- formerly AutoMCD

    If it's not already planned, could you make it so BBB takes off the familiar when going to the Fantasy Realm? I keep having to turn it off when adventuring there.
  2. K

    Bug - Fixed Mafia not tracking Happy Medium siphons

    Thanks, I'll update ASAP.
  3. K

    Bug - Fixed Mafia not tracking Happy Medium siphons

    Ever since I updated to r18477, Mafia hasn't been keeping track of my siphons, whether I do them in a manual adventure or automatically with the combat script. I can still get it to recognize a siphon when I manually set the tracker, but that kinda defeats the purpose of it being automated, ja?
  4. K

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    Seems this is completely borked, possibly because of the server change?
  5. K

    Revamping the KoLmafia Toolbar

    That's what I'm talking about, a mafia interface for the Time Spinner noncombat menu. You know, fight a dude, eat some stuff, fight an older dude, etc? It doesn't exist and it would be nice if it did. That or at least an "Eat with spinner" button in the food section.
  6. K

    Revamping the KoLmafia Toolbar

    I'd really like a Time Spinner button, if it's possible. I use that bad boy all the time.
  7. K


    Bug Report: The script is stuck trying to adventure at the Hidden Shrines, despite there being no monsters to fight there once they've been cleared.
  8. K


    Whatever you did for the bedroom, it isn't working. I'm having to manually work all the choice adventures after combats.