Recent content by Hamusutaa

  1. Hamusutaa

    Universal Recovery Script

    Looks like my copy of the script is currently stuck trying to buy cups of hickory chicory, but the only store left that has any in stock is currently frozen because the account is disabled for policy violation. It fails every time. Edit: I managed to get it working by editing the map txt...
  2. Hamusutaa

    Community Service council choice adventure

    Ah, I will try that, thanks!
  3. Hamusutaa

    Community Service council choice adventure

    I'm still pretty new to ASH scripting, and I'm trying to automate my Community Service runs for maximum laziness. I'm running into an issue where the script gives up after I complete a council task. For example, I do set_property("choiceAdventure1089", 1); council(); It then goes to the...