Recent content by giraffe man

  1. G

    Reducing Server Hits

    It would only be run every once in a while, much less than you run it, mredge73. I'll keep it the it is.
  2. G

    Reducing Server Hits

    I've made a script with, some help from people on these forums, to change people's rank based on karma. At the moment it does 1 server hit for getting everyone's karma, and if they need to change rank, one for getting there clan title and one for changing the actual rank. I have found a way to...
  3. G

    Available properties?

    See here.
  4. G

    Any script requests?

    I've just realised how to do the script I asked for. Have you done any work on it yet the_great_cow_guru? If you haven't done anything yet don't bother starting.
  5. G

    Any script requests?

    Wouldn't just saying "make meat maid" do that?
  6. G

    OoP's Odd Bot Functions

    I may use the tattoo functions. Some of the clan functions look nice too.
  7. G

    Request: generating a list of clan members

    Sorry for not posting the error message I'll do so in furture and thanks for fixing the code.
  8. G

    Request: generating a list of clan members

    I tried editing the code so it returns a map instead of putting it in a file. What's wrong with it? void BuildRoster() { record { int ID; string Type; int Muscle; int Myst; int Moxie; int TotalStats; int...
  9. G

    Is this an error?

    Found them. For new topics. clan_fpost.php?mode=newtopic&action=newtopic&forumid="forum ID"&subject="subject title"&message="first post"&status=192&pwd For posts. clan_fpost.php?mode=reply&action=reply&topicid="topic ID"&message="reply"&pwd
  10. G

    Is this an error?

    I want to know the URL for actually posting in clan fourms. I made a clan, so I didn't need to pay the 20k cost, and I tried making a forum so then I could make a thread and finally make a post. It didn't work originally so I logged on normally to create a forum. It still didn't work so I looked...
  11. G

    Is this an error?

    Is there any other way of getting the URL then?
  12. G

    Is this an error?

    I'm using Mafias mini-browser and I'm trying to make a clan forum. Is there a reason why it shouldn't work?
  13. G

    Display Cases and Profiles

    Okay, thanks.
  14. G

    Display Cases and Profiles

    Okay found the URL but would you just type your text in the correct place or do you need to replace some characters? For DC text managecollection.php?action=changetext&newtext=text here&pwd For mall text managestore.php?action=changetext&newtext=text here&pwd
  15. G

    Display Cases and Profiles

    Would it be possible to write in your display case and profile using ASH? Also could you respond to things in clan forums?