Recent content by forsaken1111

  1. forsaken1111

    Here you go. Ran it again just now, same result. Edit: May have figured it out. Will let you know tomorrow. I think it was my fault, as I initially suspected.
  2. forsaken1111

    Universal Recovery Script

    Ahh, well in that case I'll be the one to apologize since I came across as snarky when I didn't mean to be.
  3. forsaken1111

    I just tried that on a multi with 1 ascension under his belt. He is in hardcore right now, with 87 adventures prior to eating/drinking etc and is level 14. It went through every zone, changed his equipment a bit, ran a long list and then ended with "Error - no location found where you can...
  4. forsaken1111

    Universal Recovery Script

    I appreciate the swift response to my question. I hadn't thought of that, but it's a good point and does make sense. It hadn't occurred to me that it was checking mall prices and not using the items at hand because they were less meat-efficient for healing. Pretty remarkable. Good to know that...
  5. forsaken1111

    getting "Error - no location found where you can adventure." when I run the script. Not sure why...
  6. forsaken1111

    Universal Recovery Script

    Is there a reason it won't rest in my campground if/when I run out of meat? When the recovery runs and I am low on meat (poor multi) it says "Running out of meat! Time to take some out of the closet..." and stops the script. It's also ignoring the scrolls of drastic healing/tiny houses in my...
  7. forsaken1111

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Ahh, well I went ahead and commented that out on each script. Didn't know it was only first run. Working nicely so far.
  8. forsaken1111

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Why does the Ascend Status script send you a kmail dj_d? Edit: Check that, looks like they all do. Hope you don't mind, I'm disabling that.