Recent content by coandco

  1. coandco

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Updating to the latest version of Mafia fixed it, thanks!
  2. coandco

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    I'm getting this seemingly at random when using the default BeachComber 0 functionality. The first time I tried it, it used 7 of my 10 free walks before crashing: > BeachComber 0 Validating configuration. All is well! Encounter: Comb the Beach Submitting option 2 for choice 1388 Encounter...
  3. coandco

    volcano_mining.ash - Automate mining of the Velvet/Gold Mine at That 70s Volcano

    Yup! Lazy mining is controlled by the "vmine_lazyFarm" variable. To see its current status, type this into KoLMafia's graphical CLI: zlib vmine_lazyFarm To turn lazy mining off, type the following: zlib vmine_lazyFarm = false
  4. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    The "meat going down to 100000" thing is because Harvest keeps a budget and closets the rest of your meat before spending anything. The amount Harvest is allowed to spend is stored in the "har_gen_budget" zlib variable; to access it, type "zlib har_gen_budget" into KoLMafia's graphical CLI...
  5. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    Hmm, that should be fixed. Are you using the most recent version of the script?
  6. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    Hmm. Without more information, I don't know why you're hitting the "Oops" message, which is coming from Harvest. Could you send me a session log where you see this?
  7. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    Thank you for your work in tracking it down! I've now pushed out a fix that should eliminate the problem.
  8. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    How strange. I'm not getting that on mine. Does it prevent the relay script from working for you?
  9. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    I just pushed an update out that should disable the Mace of the Tortoise/Rock and Roll Legend check if you have an Ouija Board, Ouija Board and an antique accordion (both purchasable on non-ascended characters), so if you get those it shouldn't complain about the Mace any more. Let me know if...
  10. coandco

    Universal Recovery Script

    Yup, that fixed it. I was still on Java 7, and the latest was Java 8. Thanks!
  11. coandco

    Universal Recovery Script

    With the latest update, I'm now seeing the following error in my console when Universal Recovery is run: IOException during data post ( PKIX path building...
  12. coandco

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    I just pushed out an update to Harvest.ash to make it no longer die if the desired fullness levels aren't reached, so this shouldn't be an issue going forward.
  13. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    Just pushed out an update that prints out a warning telling you desired and reached fullness levels if the desired levels aren't met. Should smooth things over for now.
  14. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    If it doesn't make sense for Harvest to verify that organs are full post-consumption-script, I can downgrade the failure to a warning print and push the update out via SVN.
  15. coandco

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    I've been seeing the same thing recently, but with booze -- I think it's due to the mime army shotglass throwing EatDrink's accounting off. I haven't gotten around to digging into the code to fix it yet because simply running Harvest again after EatDrink almost fills my liver is a valid...