Recent content by Baconslicer

  1. B

    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    This was PA 1.4.2, Mafia r7939. It's working correctly today though (using Mafia r7940). I was on a pretty terrible internet connection yesterday, so that may have been messing things up. I'll let you know if I see it again.
  2. B

    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    Found something odd today: This looks odd; there's no mall price listed, and we have this mystery line about 994, which is the item# for tiny plastic Susie.
  3. B


    I've been working on this script a bit recently; I have Crimbo '09 monsters mostly working, and last night I added preliminary support for Stealth Mistletoe. I'll try and get it presentable so I can share it with everyone. EDIT: Or not. Vacation time is over and I haven't made much progress...