New Content - Implemented actual tapas


No, this is still not implemented yet but quantum tacos revealed it forever ago.

Unknown item found: actual tapas (7375, 276595224)
7375 actual tapas 276595224 tapas.gif food t,d 68
actual tapas 1 11 awesome 1-1 0 0 0
# Item actual tapas

(Item ID came from a bug that's now patched)


Staff member
I saw it on the Wiki - along with "idiot brain".

I can imagine that quantum tacos would reveal the descid of those items - but how, exactly, did you confirm that the item number is what you reported?

Edit: OK, now I see your explanation. Unsatisfying.

Forever ago, CMD added the effect ID as an HTML comment into effect descriptions - because I asked him to. Very nice! But when I asked if he would do that for items, too, he did not respond.

Perhaps our local KoL dev could bring it up again. I really don't see why it would be a problem to learn item IDs from what we see in display cases, certain shops, and things like quantum taco foods...
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No, this is still not implemented yet but quantum tacos revealed it forever ago.

[18:15:02] Cool12309: Hey Jick, while you're here, can you tell us why/when actual tapas are going to drop?
[18:16:30] Jick: Oh, lemme look at that tapas.
[18:21:30] Jick: There. Tapas drapas.

you're welcome