unusual login messages


Active member
I noticed some unusual messages on logging in today.

Unknown item found:
Bad item for monster "Mob Penguin Arsonist":
Unknown item found:
Bad item for monster "Mob Penguin Demolitionist":
Monster: "Hugo Von Douchington": unknown option: P:humanoid
Monster: "Candied Yam Golem": unknown option: P:object
Monster: "Malevolent Tofurkey": unknown option: P:beast
Monster: "Possessed Can of Cranberry Sauce": unknown option: P:undead
Monster: "Stuffing Golem": unknown option: P:object

Anyone know what they mean ?


Staff member
Most of them mean that there's a missing space in the data file between : and the phylum. The first two are due to an extra tab that wasn't removed when the phylum was added.


Staff member
To self-fix would require that you get the file out of the jar, edit it and replace it in the jar. If that sounds like nonsense then you probably are not going to fix it yourself. It's not happening for me in 10879 and if I am reading the commit logs correctly, I would suspect 10883 was when the problem was introduced so any earlier daily build should work.

I can't fix it now but if it still persists in a few hours then I will do so.