clan hopper


No, this isn't a hopper you can install into your clan hall.
Rather, its a little tool for those hearty hearts who use their WL extensively to visit clans, but are also very lazy. Call the script, supply the name of the clan on your WL you want to visit, and it'll take you to that clan.

Its very simple, but its a simple task. Additionally, if you import it to your namespace, you can also use it to list your whitelist from the CLI. Useful? maybe for all of three people.

Just thought I'd share, just in case anyone else would find it useful.

If anyone has any feedback RE my primitive java regexes, it'd be appreciated.


Gah, I was totally going to write this til my compy b0rked...

Thanks man. I don't know Java regexes at all though. Well, regex, even, since it's same all across the board.
Yay, I'm happy to know its useful for more than just the one person I wrote this for!

Friendly word of warning: it has issues with fuzzy matches and whitelists. Say, if you're whitelisted to AFH and AFHeck; typing 'clanhop alliance' will match both clans. It'll print out all the matches, and hop to none of them. It's been suggested that it should maybe hop to the first match....

Anyways, it should be easy to modify, if you feel the urge!
Oh sweetness! This is just what I never realized I always needed.

I modded main with a couple of lines like

if (to_upper_case(targetclan) == "HCN")
	targetclan = "Hardcore Nation";

just to make it even easier for me to use.

Thanks izchak.