Predicting Boots Release


New member
I was away from the game when the Stomping Boots were released (no pun intended) so I apologize if I'm missing something here, but is there any way for Mafia to track the number of charges your boots currently have? Not how many times they have been used but how many charges for the next release. Release the Boots is strictly predictable, so it would be incredibly useful to have this information kept track of if it is not.


Active member
bootsCharged is true if the skill is available (otherwise false), but I don't think that Mafia tracks the amount of fights anywhere (I may be wrong though).


Does bootsCharged update only after Mafia has seen the message in combat?


bootsCharged is true if the skill is available (otherwise false), but I don't think that Mafia tracks the amount of fights anywhere (I may be wrong though).

You are not wrong. It tracks the number of times you've stomped a creature to paste as _bootStomps, but it doesn't track the number of fights since you last stomped.


No. But the ability to stomp monsters appears after X fights in a predictable fashion. So if mafia kept track of how many monsters you fought since the previous stomping you would then know before you started the battle that you could now stomp.


Active member


The preference updates immediately when we see the first round of combat, yes? So the proper value of _bootsCharged should always be available to a ccs.

I could only see knowing the number of fights since your last stomp being useful if there's some pre-fight action you might take accordingly. I can't think of one off the top of my head, but admittedly I've played very little in the past couple of months.

also, I lol'd at ancient aliens guy


Active member
If you want to always use the skill when it's available you can do:
if hascombatskill 7115
skill 7115
attack with weapon
Which will use the boot-skill if you have it and attack otherwise.
I could only see knowing the number of fights since your last stomp being useful if there's some pre-fight action you might take accordingly. I can't think of one off the top of my head, but admittedly I've played very little in the past couple of months.

Knowing that the boots would be available on the next turn would let you change zones so you can stomp a lower-ml monster. I ran into it yesterday where I was using the +items from the boots looking for sonars, but when they became active, i stomped an asparagus in the pantry. Kinda niche. But it could be done.


Stomping monsters of different phyla give different pastes, so there could be the benefit of knowing when it's time to change zones for that different paste without needing to spend that extra combat adventure. I'd considered doing something like that for my aftercore farming but decided the pastes were too close in price at the time for it to be worth it. If someone was looking for a particular buff, it might be useful, though.


Currently, the familiar text for the Stomping Boots is
45 lbs., 0/9 runs
   0/7 stomps
with an extra ! when the familiar is ready to stomp.

I think showing the current number of charges would crowd the display, unless someone comes up with a smart way to show them.

What we could do is predict when the boots are ready to stomp before seeing the skill on a fight page. Would that be enough?
Yeah, I don't think we need a counter (you have 3 more fights before your boots are ready to release). But an indicator that the boots are ready for the next turn (before you see the message on a fight page) would be nifty.


The counter needs to be there, in a preference, so Mafia can predict when the boots are ready. It won't be shown in the familiar text, though.