Best way to use HH guides en masse to make shotgun shells?

I want to spend one last day feeding my DC collection, and today is the first time I've turned to using guides to make shells en masse. I looked at the existing HH script, but the URLs it's using to choose options are confusing me. Basically I want something that does this:

While guides >0 and silver hammers >0
Use guide -> basement -> props -> reloading stations -> silver hammer


set_property( "choiceAdventure554", "3" );
set_property( "choiceAdventure551", "1" );
set_property( "choiceAdventure552", "2" );
set_property( "choiceAdventure553", "1" );

item guide = $item[ Haunted Sorority House staff guide ];
item hammer = $item[ Maxwell's Silver Hammer ];

while ( item_amount( guide ) > 0 && item_amount( hammer ) > 0 )
	if ( !use( 1, guide ) ) abort( "Something happened." );
	print( "" );