Set up a Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" machine for working with KoLmafia development

Set up a Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" machine for working with KoLmafia development

Yeah I know, OLD OS, but it's the newest Mac OS X version that still supports Java 1.4 :S

So anyway, I think I might be able to help out with KoLmafia development... but first I need to set up the development environment and get myself acquainted with how KoLmafia works internally. This, understandably, is going to take a little while. Any tips for a n00b to the source code?



Staff member
Any tips for a n00b to the source code?


Stay on veracity's good side. Ask questions. Look at other people's submissions and try and make sense of them. Monitor the devdoc directory and hope that someone will answer questions for you and then add to the docs there.
Thank you, both of you. I will do all of those things. :)

EDIT: Success, I've got KoLmafia's source code checked out from SVN, and patch creation functionality seems to be working too.
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The source code can be overwhelming at first, but once you start to understand the organization, it suddenly becomes less monolithic. Data files are in /src/data; almost every other file you'd ever want to change is in /src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/. I'd personally recommend "specializing" in one small area of mafia to start out with, and really understand that small bit 100%. Maybe pick a GUI element that you want to improve (see swingui/panel) and work on it. All things I myself had to do to make the source more approachable.