how to handle mood when chorale or thingfinder run out

So as part of my normal farming mood I'm running both Chorale and Thingfinder. Even with 25 turns per cast, which is what I currently get, I run out of casts before running out of adventures for the day. Is there a way to have the mood switch over to polka/fat loot when they run out automatically? if i try to pull all of them in the mood mafia rightfully aborts because i cant have more than 3 AT buffs at a time.

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You can put a script in your mood, so yes it can be done. Your mood script should be run unconditionally and look something like

void up(skill s) {
	if(have_effect(to_effect(s)) < 1) use_skill(1, s);
up(get_property("_thingfinderCasts").to_int() < 10? $skill[The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder]: $skill[Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric]);
up(get_property("_companionshipCasts").to_int() < 10? $skill[Chorale of Companionship]: $skill[Polka of Plenty]);

You can even put that straight into your mood like this:

ashq void up(skill s) {if(have_effect(to_effect(s)) < 1) use_skill(1, s);} up(get_property("_thingfinderCasts").to_int() < 10? $skill[The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder]: $skill[Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric]); up(get_property("_companionshipCasts").to_int() < 10? $skill[Chorale of Companionship]: $skill[Polka of Plenty]);

It's possible that I made a typo. That was not verified so be prepared to correct any typos if you use it.


Staff member
I think that would require a script called from your mood.

One alternative is using enough recordings to make up the difference, or making recordings to sell instead of casting on yourself.


I believe you can also use aliases from moods, so you could alias that ashq line and have something simpler in the mood if you don't want to put it into a script file.