Question about defaultAutoAttack


I saw the note

Setting defaultAutoAttack changes actual account settings

in SVN update 2943, and yes, I am quite hopeful about what this means, given my bugging of everyone about using the URL to do so in a script not working. ;)

Now, regarding this, I just have to ask a question, or two...

The code to invoke this (in an ash script) would be simply

set_property("defaultAutoAttack", "stream of sauce");
cli_execute("set defaultAutoAttack=Stream of Sauce");

right? Or would it be the int value of the skill?

Now, the next question is, could this be used without changing from using the custom combat script? I am guessing so, since it appears that is set with battleAction, but better safe than sorry.

Regardless of whatever method this needs to be called with, I just want to say THANK YOU!

Edit: Answered my own questions. The answer is yes, that is the correct way to set it, AND it will work with either the skill name OR the ID number of the skill! YAY! Also, no, it doesn't change the custom combat setting.