Feature Preselect Familiar Equipment


Upon visiting the list of familiars page, prefill the current familiar with its specific equipment if it has nothing equipped already. Also, on the drop-down, when you choose a non-active familiar e.g. hobo monkey, the second equipment dropdown would preselect "tiny bindle", else "lead necklace", leaving the user to just click equip instead of finding tiny bindle. Sometimes I dont even remember which familiar goes with which equipment. Also, upon breaking the prism and collecting everything from storage, all familiars are equipment-less and it takes a while to equip them, so perhaps some people would rather have an "equip all" button that equips familiar-specific stuff to everything, but leaves out generic equipment such as the wardrobe/lead necklace/wax lips/maypole etc


When you equip a familiar, Mafia already automatically equips the best familiar equipment for it (I don't remember the exact order of priority although you can find it by searching).

You can already equip all your familiars in the Familiar trainer, although I guess an "equip all" button in the familiar change wouldn't be much work and would be useful.


I dont know, I only use the relay and there mafia does not auto-equip.

Also, if you have nothing on your active familiar, but you have a lead necklace in inventory, can mafia preselect the necklace in the drop down labelled "with your" ?


Apparently Mafia doesn't auto-equip a familiar equipment when you switch your familiar from the Terrarium page. Asking that a relay browser familiar switch be treated the same way as a familiar switch from the Gear Changer would be a better feature request in my opinion.


Active member
I want to keep the ability to switch familiars without mafia tinkering with familiar equipment.


It only equips stuff on familiars that don't have anything: see revision 8025. I wouldn't consider this as tinkering - even if it takes an equipment from another familiar, it will put it back on when the other familiar is taken out of the terrarium.
Since it won't equip a sugar shield for example, I don't see what harm it could do. I know I would like to see this applied to familiar switching from the Relay Browser.


Sometimes the best equipment does damage in combat. And sometimes I don't want that.
I don't know why I thought the older IoTMs only did damage on demand... in that case, I agree it can be an intrusive feature.