Modifier Minimizer?


Well i was trying to maximize my Item Drops.....and this is what came up

equip hat bounty-hunting helmet (-5)
keep weapon: scratch 'n' sniff crossbow
equip off-hand spiky turtle shield (-40)
unequip shirt ((none), +0)
equip pants bounty-hunting pants (-10)
equip acc1 lucky rabbit's foot (-18)
keep acc2: Zinc Delta of Tranquility
keep acc3: Mr. Accessory Jr.
keep familiar: sugar shield

Why would mafia show things that take away item drops? or not change them at all


Obviously, I can't give any sort of definite answer when I have absolutely no idea what equipment you had on already...

The numbers shown are the results of changing that one equipment slot only, leaving all others unchanged. It is quite possible for a particular equipment change to be a bad idea on its own, but be part of a set of changes that has an overall benefit.


Hat-Hodgman's Porkpie Hat
Weapon-S n' S crossbow+3 Unicorn Stickers
Off-hand-Hodg's Metal Detector
Pants-HOdgman's Lobsterskin Pants
Accessories1-Hodgman's Bowtie
2-Zinc Delta of Tranquility
3-Mr A Jr.


That would be hard to top, are you sure the Maximizer did his thing without stopping midway?


Staff member
equip hat bounty-hunting helmet (-5)
keep weapon: scratch 'n' sniff crossbow
equip off-hand spiky turtle shield (-40)
unequip shirt ((none), +0)
equip pants bounty-hunting pants (-10)
equip acc1 lucky rabbit's foot (-18)
keep acc2: Zinc Delta of Tranquility
keep acc3: Mr. Accessory Jr.
keep familiar: sugar shield

Here's the thing -- some values are counted multiple times.

Equipping the bounty-hunting helmet alone would lead to a reduction of 50 Hobo Power, which translates to 25% item. But the helmet gives +20%, so that's a total of -5%, which agrees with the output given.

Replacing the pants alone would also be -50 Hobo Power (25 from the outfit is double-counted here, translating into 12.5% items).

Same with the bow tie, so another 12.5% from the outfit double-counted.

And then all your Hobo Power is double-counted when it comes to replacing the metal detector (100 Hobo Power => 50% items).

So that's 75% items double-counted. The sum of the negatives for Modifier Maximizer comes out to -73%. Therefore this change in outfit comes out to a 2% increase for item drops. =D


So, the modifier maximizer worked correctly. It just wasn't very informative about how it was working.


Yep, 2% overall increase when using all of the suggested equipment. You can see this more clearly by selecting multiple items (via control- or command-clicking) and watching the Predicted amount in the maximizer. For example, selecting the helmet and shield, individually listed as -5 and -40, shows a combined total of -20 (instead of -45). By the time you've selected all of the slots containing Hodgman items, the total has gone positive.

You might want to look into getting Hodgman's lucky sock - that's a big boost to the Hodgman outfit, and would definitely make it your best choice again.

I don't know what's up with "(none)" as the shirt, presumably something related to lack of Torso. It doesn't seem to be harming anything, anyway.