Pulverizing with Wadbot


New member
Hey, can one of the devs tell me the text that is included with the kmail when mafia sends a smash to wadbot?

I've noticed that he gets a lot of the top-sekrit messages, which I believe are signatures for mafia right? Right now, he is programmed to reject all those messages because they are not one of his commands. I can fix that if someone can confirm that that is what is sent when doing that though.


Staff member
Keep the contents of this message top-sekrit, ultra hush-hush.

Kind of funny I think, but I imagine it's also confusing for someone receiving that message. And for the sender that gets asked why they sent that message.


If "send to wadbot" is clicked in mafia's Pulverize interface, the message will be one of "powders", "nuggets", or "wads". The top-sekrit message is the default when sending kmail via the CLI, for example "send 300 twinkly powder to wadbot". The user could have added a message ("send 300 twinkly powder to wadbot || nuggets"), but didn't bother doing so.

I would suggest treating the top-sekrit message exactly the same as a blank message, whatever that might currently do; in both cases, the user simply did not enter a message.


New member
Oh okay, thanks. I'll leave it how it is then, because sometimes people send stuff with top sekrit that they don't want smashed or malused to max. Such as accidentally sent to wadbot, wanted in powder/nuggets, donations, etc.

Not a problem if someone just has to resend it, but it is if wadbot accidentally smashes or maluses, because that can't be fixed.