Foldable items + wang


New member
Is there a command that gets mafia to fold an item for you (For example, from the stinky cheese eye to the diaper, and than back again later in the script)


Is there a way to get yourself wanged automatically? "Use Wang" doesn't do it. :p


Is there a command that gets mafia to fold an item for you (For example, from the stinky cheese eye to the diaper, and than back again later in the script)

> help fold

fold[?] item -     produce item by using another form, repeated as needed.

so just type fold stinky cheese diaper to have Mafia fold until you get the diaper.

Is there a way to get yourself wanged automatically? "Use Wang" doesn't do it. :p

This is slightly more complicated, but here is an alias to wang yourself:

alias wang => ash string name; if ("%%"==""){name=my_name();} else {name="%%";} string page=visit_url("curse.php?action=use&pwd&whichitem=625&targetplayer="+name);

Now all you have to do is type wang to wang yourself, or wang playername to wang playername.

If you really want to, you can also make the alias buy a wang for you before wanging, like this:

alias wang => ash if(item_amount($item[wang])==0) {buy(1,($item[wang])) ; } string name; if ("%%"==""){name=my_name();} else {name="%%";} string page=visit_url("curse.php?action=use&pwd&whichitem=625&targetplayer="+name);

Edit: damn that FN Ninja ninja! =)
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If you really want to, you can also make the alias buy a wang for you before wanging, like this:

alias wang => ash if(item_amount($item[wang])==0) {buy(1,($item[wang])) ; } string name; if ("%%"==""){name=my_name();} else {name="%%";} string page=visit_url("curse.php?action=use&pwd&whichitem=625&targetplayer="+name);

It would be an improvement to change buy() to retrieve_item(). Cheaper and Better. That way it will be able to make a wang if you've got the letters in inventory, or just purchase the missing letters. It even does a price comparison to decide if it should purchase the completed wang from the mall.

alias wang => ash if(item_amount($item[wang])==0) {retrieve_item(1,($item[wang])) ; } string name; if ("%%"==""){name=my_name();} else {name="%%";} string page=visit_url("curse.php?action=use&pwd&whichitem=625&targetplayer="+name);
If you're going to use retrieve_item you don't need the if statement at the beginning.
alias wang => ash retrieve_item(1,$item[wang]); string name; if("%%" == "") name = my_name(); else name = "%%"; string page = visit_url("curse.php?action=use&pwd&whichitem=625&targetplayer="+name);