Gong goals


New member
Is there a way to set a goal to terminate when my Llama has dropped all five gongs, even if I'm using gongs while auto-adventuring? If I set the goal to be, say, +5 gongs, Mafia adds a gong to the goal whenever I use one. While I'm sure that's useful for all sorts of other goals, I'd really like Mafia to quit trying to get more gongs when my Llama's out for the day. Any advice?



I guess you're auto-adventuring using an ASH script, you should handle this in your script.

I use the following in a couple of scripts:
if ( get_property( "_gongDrops" ).to_int() != 5 )
     use_familiar($familiar[llama lama]);

If it's a CLI script, I guess you could include this in a loop:

ash if ( get_property( "_gongDrops" ).to_int() != 5 ) {use_familiar($familiar[llama lama]);} else {use_familiar($familiar[baby sandworm]);}


New member
Now, at this point, I'm not adventuring with a script, just the interface's adventure panel with its goal box. Is there a goal expression that effectively means, "familiar used up"? If not, it could be useful not only for the spleen familiars, but for the starfish hybrids like the slimeling.



If you are auto-adventuring manually (yes, it's possible), I guess you should reset the number of gongs each time. I don't think the Goals accept ash.

Oooh, ash in goals ... now that would make Zarqon go bats! (wait... he is already, isn't he?)

I don't see how you could use up a starfish by the way... or do you mean use the Slimeling until he gets hungry?


New member
Yeah, the Slimeling, Gluttonous Green Ghost, or Spirit Hobo. Perhaps it could also be used for the Stocking Mimic, to ask it to adventure until a total of 3 Polka Pops are received, regardless of how many are used.

One problem about resetting the number of gongs required is that you waste one or two adventures stopping the automation once a gong is used and the last gong is acquired. A minor quibble, to be sure, but I think this functionality would be really useful, and would have applicability for familiars yet to come.



I suggested that because I thought you where using the gongs manually. Maybe we should really ask for ASH in goals!


If you check feature requests, you'll see that zarqon has already lost the battle to integrate goals more properly with ash. There's quite a bit of discussion on the subject.