Distinguishing between Characters


New member
I have two characters that I play, one HC Ascender and one that hangs around in Aftercore.

I always forget to set my rollover equipment, such that I have (Usually a Dead Man's Watch and/or Chrome Crossbow), so I whipped up a command to:

At logout:
1) Set current outfit
2) Equip rollover gear
At login:
3) Equip #1

But I noticed that when I would log into my aftercore character, it would attempt to equip my HC character's gear. If it doesn't have it, Mafia would of course default to purchasing it in the mall. It's a trivial amount of meat, so that's not really the problem. The problem is that I still have to remember spend the time to fiddle with outfits at login.

Is there a way to make Mafia distinguish between the two characters? Can I have a script such that when Char #1 logs out, it sets an outfit for JUST that character, so that Char #2 doesn't try to access that same outfit? I see that there is a check for class, which I could use as a workaround, but I'd rather not have to change the script every time I ascend.