Stop conditions


New member
How can I set a number of muscle points to be the stop condition for an adventure loop. I am able to do it just fine with Mysticality and Moxie, but when I put in the condition "X Muscle" it generates the condition, "X Enormous Belt Buckles."

What am I doing wrong?
:D You're doing everything right. Including bringing the matter to Holatuwol's attention by posting here.

Apparently the condition adding code checks to see if you're anking about an item before it parses for stat names, and the fuzzy item check picked up that you must be talking about enorMoUS belt buCkLEs.
Actually, it wouldn't have worked for "Moxie" or "Mysticality" either, since the match was unintentionally case-sensitive.  Therefore, just lowercase the string and it'll hit the stat match first (use "50 muscle" instead of "50 Muscle").  I'll make it case-insensitive in the next release.