Autoselling from within store


New member
The title clumsily says it all. I've looked around without success, are there any scripts that allow you to autosell selected items directly from your store? I can't be the only one with tons of junk in the store that will never get sold.

The only alternative that I know of right now is to take each and every item out of your store first, then autoselling them from your inventory. And that's way too time consuming in my opinion.


There is another option. In your store manager, there's a tab to remove items from store. On that tab is a button for autoselling directly from the store.


I thought no-one used that. I think the "take all" and "take one" buttons are more useful, and putting more than two buttons seems like a lot of work because of the way they are coded.

I hope no-one is holding his breath on this one.


Staff member
You might want to look at my Manage Store. It will find items in your store that are priced at minimum and the sales quantities are such that they are unlikely to sell. It will then autosell them or put them on kBay.