Daily variable change during a while loop?

This is part of a script to get through the sewers, banishing gators and goldfish as I go, while using free runs. A second segment of the script works identically, but using boots runs, the first segment uses a penguin to continue adding to my DC collection.

Macro zSewerA pickpockets, uses stinkeye (if a goldfish or gator is encountered), then flees. zSewerB uses creepy grin instead of stinkeye, with the same parameters, and zSewerC contains no banishing skills.

In a test, the first monster I encountered was a goldfish, which was successfully banished, but it then adventured again without changing my autoattack or outfit, and aborted due to stinkeye not being available. Is mafia unable to detect changes to daily variables while in the while loop? This seems unlikely, so I'm guessing I've gone wrong somewhere else.

cli_execute ("outfit zsewera");
cli_execute ("autoattack zsewera");
while (get_property("_stinkyCheeseBanisherUsed") =="false" && to_int( get_property( "_navelRunaways")) < 3 )
	adventure(1, $location[a maze of sewer tunnels]);
	cli_execute ("display put * goodfella contract");
if (get_property("_vmaskBanisherUsed") =="false" && to_int( get_property( "_navelRunaways")) < 3 )
	cli_execute ("outfit zsewerb");
	cli_execute ("autoattack zsewerb");
while (get_property("_vmaskBanisherUsed") =="false" && to_int( get_property( "_navelRunaways")) < 3 )
	adventure(1, $location[a maze of sewer tunnels]);
	cli_execute ("display put * goodfella contract");
if (to_int( get_property( "_navelRunaways")) < 3 )
	cli_execute ("autoattack zsewerc");
while (to_int( get_property( "_navelRunaways")) < 3 )
	adventure(1, $location[a maze of sewer tunnels]);
	cli_execute ("display put * goodfella contract");


Staff member
You want adv1() instead of adventure(), since adventure() goes until it actually spends a turn (or aborts for whatever reason).