A way to check for +elemental damage?

I know how to check for specific effects, but is there a way to check if I'm currently wearing or under the effects of anything that grants +elemental damage? I'd much rather not have to check for every single effect that grants +spooky, +hot, +cold, etc.


I'd much rather not have to check for every single effect that grants +spooky, +hot, +cold, etc.
Why not? It's no trouble at all:
int total_elemental_damage()
	int dmg;
	foreach el in $elements[]
		dmg += numeric_modifier( el + " damage" );
	return dmg;


EDIT: haha, I totally misread the sentence I quoted. You are right not to check all the effects :)


Active member
EDIT: and I completely missed that slyz's answer already doesn't iterate over all effects (just the five elements).
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