Sending a kmail with the CLI


New member
I was just wondering if there's a way to suppress the "Keep the contents of this message top-sekrit, ultra hush-hush." that gets sent with kmails sent by KoLMafia. (Or even better, a way to customize it?)

Thanks in advance for your help, and for a great program.


Active member
This should work to send a candy heart to me with the specified message.
csend 1 lavender candy heart to Winterbay || This is a candy heart

Edit: Ninjad because I actually had to log in and test it first :)


I didn't know about the help command either...that'll be really, well, helpful. Thanks.

Thank goodness you finally learned. Like they say, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll try to depopulate the sea, rendering all marine life extinct."