closet "no-trade" filter


Active member
I have many untadeable items in my closet. If I run the following script, I get a nice list of them.

foreach i in $items[] if (closet_amount(i) >= 1 && !is_tradeable(i)) print_html(closet_amount(i) + " <b>" + i + "</b> type is <font color=blue>" + item_type(i)+ "</font>");

However, in the mafia item manager closet tab, if I disable all of the filters except "no-trade", I get an empty list. Is there something I am not understanding about what the "no-trade" filter is supposed to do ? Or is it a mafia bug ? Something else ?


Active member
I have to say, this confused me at first until I realized what was happening.
disable all of the filters except "no-trade", I get an empty list.
You're disabling all the filters, meaning you're not allowing "food", "booze", "equip" or "other" items, which seems to pretty much cover everything.

I think the behaviour is a little weird, because if you enable "other" and "no-trade" you're going to get ALL the "other" items but only the "no-trade" items that are "other" type, so you can never just get the "no-trade" items on their own (currently). It's either a bug or a feature request.
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Active member
Aha. So the filter is actually for removing no-trade items from the other lists ?

Yes, that's a good way of putting it. Unticking the filter will prevent no-trade items from appearing when you have other items ticked, so it's kinda filtering counter-intuitively in this sense.


Active member
No problem, if you want to just show "no-trade" items when everything else is unticked, make a feature request. It shouldn't be too hard to do.