outfit functions returning true when they should not


Active member
I ran across an issue with the ash outfit functions. Not sure if this is just a known (but unknown to me) limitation or should be reported as a bug. So I am posting this here to hopefully obtain some clarification on that.

On my softcore character, I have a custom outfit which includes these pieces:

jewel-eyed wizard hat
haiku katana
Operation Patriot Shield
flaming pink shirt
Camp Scout backpack
Travoltan trousers
V for Vivala mask
C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button
C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button

My pre-rollover script will often replace 1 of those C. buttons with a dead guy's watch for rollover.

My post-login script will attempt to restore the original outfit and I noticed that it kept failing to replace the watch with the 2nd C. button. I eventually determined that, with the dead guy's watch equipped, the ash functions outfit() and is_wearing_outfit() will both return true for the original outfit name.

Using cli_execute("/outfit name") will replace the watch with the 2nd C. button, as expected. So there is an easy work-around for the issue.

So, is there some reason the kol chat macro logic works, but the mafia ash logic doesn't, when an outfit includes multiple copies of the same accessory ?


It looks like is_wearing_outfit() will always return true for custom outfits.

I wonder why outfit() isn't working though. Could you get a debug log of when you use outfit() this way?

EDIT: I think I missed something. The way I understood the code, outfit() would never work with custom outfits, and that's definitively not the case.
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