Choice adventure information no longer showing


New member
the first time i got KoLMafia was 1.3,and whenever i play in the version and get a choice adventure it will tell me whatever each option will do, but i upgraded to the latest version and it no longer does that, is there some sort of option or script to show that stuff?


Preferences -> Relay Browser -> "Show blatant spoilers for choices and puzzles"

The preference was made relevant fairly recently and despite advance posting about the change you were not the only one surprised by this. I believe that you will not be the last to ask this question. It's just inevitable to cause such trouble, but such is the cost of progression.


Hah, I can here to ask the same question as the OP. Out of curiosity, why was the preference made relevant?


Staff member
I think what Bale was trying to say was that there were some recent updates that changed a few things from "always spoiled" to "controlled by the preference". I do not, however, recall what those things were.


Staff member
We want the default Relay Browser experience to be Kingdom of Loathing with helpful non-spoilers - use links, up arrow links on buffs in the charpane, battlefield counters, familiar counters, fortune cookies, and so on. In other words, convenience links, displaying things that you'd otherwise have to manually keep track of, and so on.

If you want spoilers, we want you to opt-in to get spoilers. We decided that telling you what happens for each choice adventure option qualifies as a spoiler.