Type Safety / Generics


Active member
Since the codebase has been officially moved to Java 1.5, I'm just wondering if there were plans to migrate existing definitions over to use generics?

Should any submitted patches also use generics where appropriate?


I hate to chastise people for posting threads, but you have been around long enough to know how things are done...
  1. You post this as a "Bug - Waiting for Info" when in fact you are not reporting a bug, only asking for information.
  2. The "Waiting for Info" tag is only to be used by devs asking for more information to help them to resolve a bug. It's not for the bug reporter.
  3. You should really have posted this in the Community Support forum since it is not a bug report.

Moving and relabeling the thread accordingly. The redirect will vanish next week.


Active member
Apologies Bale, it wasn't entirely clear to me where developer sensitive issues like that should go, and I remember seeing some 1.5 migrations posted in the Bug Reports forum before so that's what I went with.


Active member
Or possibly "new content" even though that is strictly for new content in KoL rather than in Mafia but still :)


Staff member
Generics are often added when a file is being worked on for some feature/bugfix anyway. I generally look at the warnings my IDE gives in a file that I already have open, and I'm guessing roippi does the same based on his commits.


When we migrated to 1.5 there were 4252 type safety warnings according to Eclipse. We've addressed about a thousand of those since then. So yes, it's a thing we're aware of.

Not exactly the highest priority thing since there's little benefit to the end user, other than some minor performance improvements and the peace of mind that illegal cast exceptions won't be thrown.


Active member
I had seen a few places where they were being used but I wasn't sure to what extent. I think I have the answer to both questions now, thanks :)